
Another busy day at work as per usual

then He comes in

an elderly man who had collapsed and had a cardiac arrest, time to kick into action and bring him back right?

Well this story is a bit different than the last.

The resuscitation room was a whirlwind of energy, doctors nurses and medical students gathered initiating the revival sequence we as healthcare professionals are trained to perform.




Reevaluate. and it continues.

But this time something unique happened, the mans wife had quietly entered the room accompanied by a staff member. Her face somber but composed as if she had seen this day coming. Without another second to loose we continued with our sequence acknowledging her presence while maintaining our professional responsibility.

“please stop”

What did she say? i thought… wait but we haven’t delivered the shock… not all the medications have been tried…

“please, its time to stop he did not want to end up on life support.

thank you for what you’ve done but its time to stop”

Her eyes on her husband she has come to terms he is no longer alive and breathing and has found peace.

She held his hand and we gave her space

They’re relationship was so strong that they had had the discussion.”When life is slipping away, this is what I want” ..

It was a beautiful moment.

She knew her husband well, she spent the day before with him cherishing each moment she told us he lead a good life.

I was speechless.


He was. Now is not